
e.Oliver – is creative, beautiful and minimalistic HTML5 template for photographers, which perfectly suits your portfolio, personal blog and personal page (resume).

Features Template.

The main advantages that you will get.

Trendy Design

Clean and minimal design will make your site awesome.

Amazing animation

Beautiful effects and smooth animation will make your site even better.

Perfect Coding

Modern coding technologies: SASS, BEM – will make your project flexible.

Retina Ready

Only vector and font icons for better display on the retina screen.

Free update

Free updates that include new pages and various improvements.

Easy to Use

Customize and manage the template as you wish.

RTL Support

The template fully supports RTL. Integration guide provided in documentation.

Functional gallery

A simple and functional lightbox gallery will allow you to comfortably view photos.

AJAX & Mailchimp

Ajax contact & subscriptions form with MailChimp.


Some template settings that will easily help you customize it.

1. Add an item to Gallery

To edit or add a new photo, simply add the following code to the container with photos of grid-gallery, where:

  • img/your_link_image.jpg – is a link to your image.
  • data-width="" – original image width (required).
  • data-height="" – riginal image length (required).
  • data-caption="" – description of the technical specification of the photo.
  • category-name-1 – class of category to which the image belongs. Needed for filter.
<!-- My Works -->
<figure class="item-portfolio item-portfolio__column-three category-name-1">
    <a class="link-photo" href="img/01_image.jpg" 
	<div class='options__photo'>
	    <span>MAKE</span>NIKON D700
	<div class='options__photo'>
	    <span>SHUTTER SPEED</span>1/2500s
	<div class='options__photo'>
	<div class='options__photo'>
	    <span>FOCAL LENGTH</span>25mm
	<div class='options__photo'>
        <img class="image-portfolio" src="img/your_link_image.jpg" alt="Photo">
<!-- /My Works -->
2. Customization of contact form

Contact form may not work if your server is not configured.

To customize a contact form, you need to open the file form-contact.php from the folder php, find and replace line 27 on your emeil
Optionally, you can edit the text email template.

$EmailTo = "";
3. Customization the reviews carousel
  • photo_client.jpg – link to customer's photo.
  • Position / Organization – the name of the client's position or the name of the organization in which he works.
  • First name/Last name – Name and surname of your client.
  • Several lines of feedback – The text of your client's response (try to adjust the number of characters to make it look nice).
<!-- Item -->
<div class="swiper-slide client-carousel-item reveal">
    <div class="item__block-number">
    <div class="item__block-author">
        <div class="item__block-image">
            <img src="img/photo_client.jpg" alt="Name">
        <div class="item__block-name">
            <h3 class="client__name">First name <strong>Last name</strong></h3>
            <h4 class="cleint__organization">Position / Organization</h4>
    <div class="item__block-description">
        <p>Several lines of feedback.</p>
<!-- /Item -->
4. Setting subscription

The template uses the popular MailChimp mailing service.

Open the file common.js and find line 538 and replace the link to your:

url: "", // Your url MailChimp
5. Enable RTL

1. To activate RTL in the template, open the style/rtl folder. Copy the bootstrap.min file and paste it into the style folder with a replacement.

2. Open all html pages in the editor (Sublime Text 3, Notepad ++ b etc.). After the line:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style.css"/>


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/style-rtl.css"/>

+ 13 Pages Included.

Let's see what we have. Go!

01.Home Page
02.Home Page v2
03.Gallery Fixed
04.Gallery Fully
05.About Us
06.About Us (One Screen)
08.Blog Post Image
09.Blog Post Video
11.Coming Soon
12.Page Error
13.Page Error v2


Libraries and plugins that were used for the template.

Plugin Description
jQuery jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.
Bootstrap Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Validator The Validator plugin offers automatic form validation configurable via mostly HTML5 standard attributes. It also provides an unobtrusive user experience, because nobody likes a naggy form.
Autosize A small, stand-alone script to automatically adjust textarea height.
Swiper Is most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions and amazing native behavior.
Skrollr Parallax scrolling for the masses.
Masonry Masonry is a JavaScript grid layout library. It works by placing elements in optimal position based on available vertical space, sort of like a mason fitting stones in a wall.
imagesLoaded Detect when images have been loaded.
PhotoSwipe JavaScript image gallery for mobile and desktop, modular, framework independent.
Countimator Animated counter.
Waypoints Waypoints is the easiest way to trigger a function when you scroll to an element.
Mailchimp Ajax Use ajax for your mailchimp form.
SmoothScroll Smooth scrolling experience for websites.
FStyles/Fonts/Images Description
animate.css Just-add-water CSS animations.
Google Fonts Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography.
Font Awesome Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized.
Unsplash Free high-resolution photos.


All changes and updates you can learn from the Changelog.

/* Update from May 18th, 2019 */

- Added filtering and loading content for the gallery.
/* Update from Jan 22th, 2019 */

- Various fixes and improvements.
- Added light version.
- Removed version of the template Bootstrap 3
/* Update from Sep 23th, 2017 */

- Added template on bootstrap 4
- Minor fixes for both versions of the template.
/* Version 1.1.3 - Sep 10th, 2017 */

- Added control of the mouse wheel for the photo carousel.
/* Version 1.1 - Aug 01th, 2017 */

- Add new pages: "Home page v2" and "Coming Soon"
- Enjoy
/* Version 1.0 - Jul 22th, 2017 */

- Initialization release